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Sustained Compliance Planned Inspectional Initiative

The Sustained Compliance Planned Inspectional Initiative determines if past inspectional initiatives have — over time — resulted in employers and industries who have continued to manage risks and maintain a system to support sustained compliance. As part of the initiative, we will conduct sampling and check-ins across employer groups and industries to determine if effective controls for specific risks are in place.

Our goals

The Sustained Compliance Planned Inspectional Initiative is designed to provide the following functions:

  • Through sampling and assessing past inspection initiatives, provide information on:
    • The general state of safety management systems
    • The level of control for specific risks, across employer groups and industries
  • Through assessing past inspection initiatives, provide information on:
    • How many employers have maintained compliance
    • How many employers have maintained a system to support sustained compliance
  • Gain insight on successful inspection initiatives to continuously improve and apply the findings to future work

Our focus

We will take a risk-based approach to address employer groups, industries, and workers in industries where specific risks have been the focus of previous prevention efforts and where these workplaces require confirmation that employers are continuing to effectively manage those risks. The focus for this initiative is agile, and we will add or remove focus areas on an annual basis as data informs us on changes to risks in our province and environment.

What you can do

Our Managing Risk pages provide resources and information on how to create a system to maintain sustained compliance.

Employers may also want to consider participating in the Certificate of Recognition (COR) program, a voluntary employer certification program intended to motivate employers to take a proactive role in occupational health and safety. The COR program recognizes and rewards employers who go beyond the current legal requirements, implement an effective occupational health and safety management system, and pass a certification audit to the standards set out by WorkSafeBC.