Partners in workplace health & safety research
Partnering with other workers' compensation agencies
We partner with other jurisdictions that share a common interest in promoting workplace health and safety. These include:
- Workers’ Compensation Board – Alberta
- Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board
- Workers' Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board of Ontario
- WorkSafeNB
- Workers’ Compensation Board of Nova Scotia
- WorkplaceNL
- Workers’ Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island
Partnership for Work, Health & Safety
The Partnership for Work, Health and Safety (previously known as the WorkSafeBC-CHSPR Research Partnership) addresses current and emerging issues of work-related health and safety in B.C. It brings together policy makers, researchers, and data resources from both organizations.
The partnership works with routinely collected health and workers’ compensation data from multiple sources, pulled together through Population Data BC. This allows researchers to develop a unique and comprehensive picture of the health and well-being of workers in our province.
The partnership team is made up of a diverse group of faculty, students, and staff working at the University of British Columbia. Advisors from WorkSafeBC meet regularly with the researchers to identify new topics and get updates on ongoing projects.
The partnership's research findings are intended to reach a wide audience, including WorkSafeBC, other workers' compensation boards, policy makers, clinicians, researchers, employers, and workers.
These partnerships provide a cost-effective means of leveraging limited research funds in pursuit of common priorities.