Industry health & safety data
You can use our industry data tools to identify opportunities to improve workplace health and safety. They are available to everyone, without creating an account. The information is available in charts and graphics, which are useful for research, reports, business planning, and general interest.
Use this tool to learn about trends and patterns in noise-induced hearing loss in B.C. You can filter and compare the hearing results by test year, industry, hearing protection, age, and years in occupation. This information will help you to:
- Compare your own hearing results to those of others within the same industry
- Identify trends in levels of hearing loss and hearing protection use by industry
- Support your own research, reports, and business planning
Use this tool to analyze claim costs for the past ten years and get a better understanding of the costs in your industry. You can use filters, like benefit type, claim characteristics, and types of claims to help identify the areas where your health, safety, and wellness efforts should be focused. You can also incorporate charts, graphs, and data in your own reports and presentations.
This information will help you to:
- Identify trends and drivers of costs in specific industries
- Identify opportunities to improve your health and safety initiatives
- Support your own research, reports, and business planning
Provincial overview (past 10 years)
Provincial overview (last year and year to date)
Use this tool to see injury rates, claim costs and types, payroll, assessment rates, and injury management patterns in each industry. You can see data from over the past 10 years or from the last year and year to date. You can focus your search by industry, subsector, classification unit, and employer size to see data most relevant to you. You can also incorporate charts, graphs, and data in your own reports and presentations.
Use this tool to get an in-depth look at the types of work-related injuries and claims that are driving costs in your industry. You can analyze claim counts and costs to get a better understanding of the claims in your industry and apply filters, like gender and age group, to help identify the areas where your health, safety, and wellness efforts should be focused.
Both of these applications allow you to focus your search by industry, subsector, classification unit, and employer size to see data most relevant to you. You can also incorporate charts, graphs, and data in your own reports and presentations.
Industry risks: Prevention data for planning workplace health and safety in B.C.
Employers can use this tool to understand WorkSafeBC’s injury prevention activities. You can access data from the past ten years showing workplace inspections, orders, and penalties across different industries.
This information can be used to:
- Identify trends and patterns of prevention activities in specific industries and regions
- Explore and understand the different levels of violations cited in each industry
- Support your own research, reports, and business planning
Serious injuries: Data about workplace injuries in B.C.
See a comprehensive view of serious injuries in B.C. for the last five years. You can filter data by industry, occupation, age, gender, and region of the province. This information will help you to:
- Identify trends and patterns of serious injuries in specific industries and sectors
- Identify opportunities to improve your health and safety initiatives to prevent these injuries in your workplace
- Support your own research, reports, and business planning
Work-related deaths: Data about workplace deaths in B.C.
Use this tool to learn about trends and patterns in work-related deaths in B.C. You can filter the data by incident, traumatic injury, disease, industry, age, region, and claim characteristics. This information will help you to:
- Identify resources to help you plan, and improve health and safety
- Identify trends in work-related deaths by industry and occupation
- Support your own research, reports and business planning