Facts & figures

See statistical snapshots of the demographics of injured workers in B.C., work-related injuries and deaths, and our services.

Statistical overview for 2022

In 2022:

  • 54% of workers injured were male and 46% were female.
  • The average age of workers injured on the job was 42.
  • 11% of workers injured were under age 25.
  • 22% of workers injured were over age 55.

In 2022, people in B.C. missed 3.99 million days of work due to work-related incidents and disease and we accepted 181 work-related death claims. The most common types of injury claims accepted by us were:

Strains (other than back strains)
Occupational disease
Back strains

There were 150,369 work-related injuries reported to us in 2022. We disallowed 6.3% of the claims.

We accepted 57,779 new short-term disability claims, issuing the initial payment an average of 20.5 days after the date the worker was entitled to wage-loss benefits. The industry subsectors with the most claims with loss of work time included:

  • Health care and social services
  • General construction
  • Retail
  • Transportation and related services
  • Tourism and hospitality

As part of our mandate to reduce workplace hazards and risks, in 2022 our Prevention Services team:

  • Wrote 52,911 inspection reports and 33,704 health and safety orders.
  • Imposed 377 penalties, representing a value of $7.14 million.

In 2022, we served 269,321 registered employers and 2.53 million workers, in more than 500,000 workplaces across the province. Below is a summary of the feedback we received:

  • 79% of injured workers who have dealt with us in the past year rate their experience as either good or very good.
  • 79% of employers rate their experience with us as good or very good.

Your continued feedback helps us to improve the services that we provide.