Facts & figures
See statistical snapshots of the demographics of injured workers in B.C., work-related injuries and deaths, and our services.
Statistical overview for 2023
In 2023:
- 57% of workers injured were male and 43% were female.
- The average age of workers injured on the job was 42.
- 12% of workers injured were under age 25.
- 22% of workers injured were over age 55.
In 2023, people in B.C. missed 4.15 million days of work due to work-related incidents and disease, and we accepted 175 work-related death claims. The most common types of injury claims accepted by us were:
Strains (other than back strains) |
Back strains |
Occupational disease |
8,123 |
Contusions |
Cuts |
There were 143,856 work-related injuries reported to us in 2023. We disallowed 7.5% of the claims.
We accepted 50,914 new short-term disability claims. For those with payments, an initial payment was issued an average of 19.1 days after the first date the worker was eligible for wage-loss benefits. The industry subsectors with the most claims with loss of work time included:
- Health care and social services
- General construction
- Retail
- Tourism and hospitality
- Transportation and related services
As part of our mandate to reduce workplace hazards and risks, in 2023 our Prevention Services team:
- Wrote 54,551 inspection reports and 40,888 health and safety orders.
- Imposed 376 penalties, representing a value of $7.62 million.
In 2023, we served 280,890 registered employers and 2.7 million workers, in more than 300,000 active employer locations across the province. Below is a summary of the feedback we received:
- 80% of injured workers who have dealt with us in the past year rate their experience as either good or very good.
- 79% of employers rate their experience with us as good or very good.
Your continued feedback helps us to improve the services that we provide.
For detailed information, use our interactive tools to access industry statistics, or read our annual statistical reports.