What can be reviewed
You may have the right to request a review of WorkSafeBC’s decisions on claims, assessments, and health and safety enforcement matters.
Claims decisions
Types of decisions made
When workers apply for compensation benefits, our claims team make numerous decisions on the claim, including whether to allow the claim and what benefits they will receive.
Who can request a review?
- Workers who have applied for compensation benefits
- Dependents of workers if the claim is for a fatality
- Employers of workers who have applied for compensation benefits
Applications to reopen a claim are not subject to review, but they are appealable directly to the Workers' Compensation Appeal Tribunal (WCAT).
Assessment decisions
Types of decisions made
Decisions made by our assessment team include:
- Whether an applicant is a worker, employer or independent operator
- What the appropriate classification unit is for an employer
- Whether to apply penalties for late payments or payroll reports
- Estimates of employer payroll, when reports have not been submitted
- Disposition of any surpluses in an employer's account
- Determination of coverage period for POP customers
Who can request a review?
Employers or independent operators who are directly affected by a decision.
Most assessment decisions are subject to review, except those concerning the following:
- Assessment rates, other than those affected by experience rating
- Industry group or rate assignments for assessment purposes
- Allocations of costs to and from classes, subclasses and reserves for assessment purposes
Health and safety enforcement decisions
Types of decisions made
Our safety and hygiene officers may issue orders regarding unsafe or unhealthy workplace conditions, administrative penalties or citations. They may also refuse to issue and order, cancel an order or vary an order.
Who can request a review?
If directly affected by a health and safety enforcement decision, an employer, worker, supplier, union, or anyone else directly affected may request a review.
Discriminatory action complaints are not subject to review, but are appealable directly to the Worker’s Compensation Appeal Tribunal (WCAT).