Proposed policy amendments related to Bill 9 - Mental Disorder Presumption

The Workers Compensation Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 9) amends the Workers Compensation Act by adding a mental disorder presumption for correctional officers, emergency medical assistants, firefighters, police officers and sheriffs who are exposed to one or more traumatic events as part of their employment.

The Policy, Regulation and Research Division is releasing a discussion paper on proposed mental disorder policies, with options to stakeholders for comment. Proposed deletions of policy language is identified with a strikethrough and additions are identified in bold.

Discussion paper

There are a number of ways for stakeholders to provide feedback on the options and draft policy amendments.


(a) Comment link:

Through the Comment link below, you will be able to provide immediate feedback by completing an online submission form.

Please note: Once you click the “submit” button at the bottom of the form you cannot access it again to make additional comments. Therefore, if you wish to make detailed comments in the feedback section, you may want to draft your comments using a word processing format and then cut and paste them into the submission form.


Alternatively, submissions can be submitted as follows:

(b) Email:
(c) Mail: Sheena Clarkson
Senior Policy and Legal Advisor
Policy and Regulation Division
P.O. Box 5350, Stn. Terminal
Vancouver BC V6B 5L5
(d) Fax: 604.279.7599;
or toll-free in B.C. 1.877.279.7599

The consultation period will end on June 22, 2018. This consultation timeline is driven by the effective date of the presumptive legislation, and the transitional provisions which provide that the Bill 9 presumption applies to every decision made by WorkSafeBC and the Workers' Compensation Appeal Tribunal that was made, but not finally adjudicated, before May 17, 2018.

The Board of Directors will consider stakeholder feedback before making a decision on policy amendments.

Please note that all comments become part of the Policy, Regulation and Research Division’s database and may be published, including the identity of organizations and those participating on behalf of organizations. The identity of those who have participated on their own behalf will be kept confidential according to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.