Proposed policy amendments regarding suitable occupation for loss of earnings assessment

In January 2018, WorkSafeBC’s Board of Directors commissioned an external review of compensation policy. The resulting report, Restoring the Balance: A Worker-Centred Approach to Workers’ Compensation Policy, was published in April 2018 and contains a number of recommendations.

Recommendation 24 proposes amending the definition of suitable occupation in permanent partial disability policy. This definition sets out the factors to consider when estimating what a worker is capable of earning after a workplace injury results in a permanent partial disability (PPD). That determination forms part of the calculation of whether the worker has incurred a loss of earnings which, in turn, informs entitlement to PPD benefits.

The Policy, Regulation and Research Division is releasing a discussion paper, with options on proposed amendments to policy regarding suitable occupation for loss of earnings assessment, to stakeholders for comment.

Proposed deletions of policy wording are identified with a strikethrough and additions are highlighted in bold.

The discussion paper, revised policies, and information on how to provide feedback can be accessed through the following link:

Discussion paper

There are a number of ways for you to provide feedback on the options and draft policy amendments:


(a) Comment link: This consultation is now closed.
(b) Email:
(c) Mail: Kim Fournier
Senior Policy Advisor
Policy, Regulation and Research Division
P.O. Box 5350, Stn. Terminal
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5L5

The consultation period ended Friday, April 8, 2022. WorkSafeBC’s Board of Directors will consider stakeholder feedback before making a decision on further policy changes.

Please note that all comments become part of the Policy, Regulation and Research Division’s database and may be published, including the identity of organizations and those participating on behalf of organizations. The identity of those who have participated on their own behalf will be kept confidential according to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.