Training & education

Courses & programs

Employers' Advisers Office (EAO)

Conducts seminars and public speaking engagements on occupational health and safety issues, prevention, claims management, assessments, and appeals.

BCFED Health & Safety Centre

Offers programs and courses dedicated to promoting health and safety in the workplace to prevent injury, illness, disease, and death.

OHS Program Fundamentals

An online course designed for human resource and health and safety professionals, business owners, employers and managers in B.C.’s tourism, hospitality, and foodservice industry.

OHS Program Gap Analysis

Organizations registered in the Certificate of Recognition (COR) program can schedule a complimentary, one-day, on-site Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) Program Gap Analysis. This confidential advisory service, an eight-hour consultation, includes a gap analysis of your organization's OHS and RTW programs, benchmarking them against the best practice requirements of the COR Audit.

Supervising for Safety

A free, online course from WorkSafeBC to help supervisors in any industry meet their workplace safety obligations.


Certificate of Recognition

This program is a nationally recognized audit, certification, and incentive program, rewarding employers that go beyond the legal requirements of the Workers Compensation Act and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulation by taking the "best practice" approach to implementing their injury prevention and injury management programs. go2HR is the certifying partner responsible for coordinating the program and supporting participating employers in B.C.'s tourism and hospitality industry.

First Aid

WorkSafeBC has authorized certain agencies throughout British Columbia to teach occupational first aid training programs acceptable to WorkSafeBC and certify attendants who successfully complete the programs. See our list of approved first aid training providers. Also see the list of certificates accepted in B.C.


FOODSAFE Level 1 is the distance learning option for British Columbia’s food safety, handling, and sanitation training. It equips foodservice workers with the knowledge and skills to apply proper food handling and preparation techniques and to follow appropriate safety measures to prevent food-borne illness.

Serving It Right

British Columbia’s mandatory responsible beverage service program that educates servers, managers, and licensees about their legal responsibilities when serving alcohol and provides techniques to prevent problems associated with liquor service.


BC Tourism Industry Conference

This conference is presented by the Tourism Industry Association of BC (TIABC) in partnership with Destination BC (DBC) with a program designed to educate, promote discussion, generate new ideas, and provide networking opportunities, as well as recognize industry leaders and innovators.