Hearing Aid Services

When people have an accepted claim with us for occupational noise-induced or traumatic hearing loss, we refer them to our network of Hearing Aid Service providers. This network is made up of providers who have long-term contracts with us. These contracts come up for bidding periodically. Our Hearing Aid Services program covers hearing aids and related services for workers with accepted work-related hearing loss claims.

Overview of services

The Hearing Aid Provider Services Agreement and the Hearing Aid Provider Reference Manual explain all of our program requirements. The Hearing Aid Provider Quick Reference Guide provides a summary of common program processes. Please refer to the Hearing Aid Provider Fee Schedule for a list of fee codes and services.

Please note that a hearing aid is replaced only when it meets one or more of the replacement criteria set out by WorkSafeBC, regardless of its age. Additionally, if the aid is less than five years old, prior authorization is required before the new hearing aid may be dispensed.

If you have questions, we're here to help. Please contact our Health Care Programs team.

Checking claim status

Prior to beginning treatment, you'll need to verify that the worker's claim has been accepted. You can use our view claim status tool to check an injured worker's claim status with us.

View claim status

You can also check an injured worker's claim by calling our Teleclaim team.

Submitting reports and invoices

The fastest and easiest way to submit your invoices and supporting documents to us is through My Provider Services. You can also use this online portal to save draft invoices, attach additional documents to your invoice, get confirmation when we receive an invoice, and see status and payment details.

To get started, you’ll need to set up an online services account with us. To learn more, watch this video for instructions on setting up your My Provider Services account.

Log in or create an account

All the information you need to complete our required paperwork is available in the contract documents you sign with us.

Contact our Payment Services team with any invoicing questions.

Need more information?

We want to make sure you have all the information you need to work with us as a health care provider. If you have questions, please contact us for help. You can also download a copy of our contact information.

Question about: Please contact:
Your existing contract and payee information Procurement Services
Invoicing or billing Payment Services
Information about a claim Claims Call Centre
Understanding the terms of your contract and contracted clinical services Health Care Programs