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Complete & submit fillable PDF forms online

When you use our document uploader to submit PDF forms online, your form will immediately be added to your claim file. The following steps provide an overview of how to complete, submit, and add your electronic signature to a PDF form.

Complete and submit a PDF form online

  1. Download the form by selecting the Download PDF button featured on the form’s page.
  2. Open the downloaded form in Acrobat Reader (a free application). If you’re using a mobile device, please download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader app for iOS or Android.
  3. Complete all form fields on the form. If the form requires a signature, see the instructions below for how to add it.
  4. Save the form.
  5. Submit it to WorkSafeBC by clicking on the Upload form button featured on the form’s page. If this option isn’t available, please see the bottom of the form for the different ways you can submit it to us.

Add your electronic signature

  1. When in Acrobat Reader, select Fill & Sign from the right-hand panel.
  2. Select Sign yourself from the top of the tool ribbon and then Add Signature.
  3. A new window will open. To draw your signature with a mouse, digital pen, or with your finger if you’re using a touchscreen, click Draw at the top of the window. Please note that we cannot accept typed signatures or digital IDs.
  4. Once you’ve drawn your signature, click Apply at the bottom of the screen. You’ll see your signature on the form and will be able to move it to the correct space, adjust its size, or delete it and create a new one.

You can also watch this short video about how to create your electronic signature and place it on your form.

Other options to submit forms

If you prefer, you can submit a paper form to us in person, by fax, or by mail. As well as PDFs, the document uploader accepts other types of documents and is meant to provide more options for you, not to replace these other delivery channels.