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Introducing our mental health strategy

Published on: January 08, 2024

Psychological health and safety in the workplace is increasingly recognized as being just as important as physical health and safety.

As noted by the Canadian Standards Association, it’s embedded in the way people interact with one another, and informs how working conditions and management practices are structured and how decisions are made and communicated.

While WorkSafeBC has focused on aspects of mental health over the years, we have taken the opportunity to consolidate and align our efforts in an organization-wide strategy as the foundation for our work to come.

Our strategy

The Mental Health Strategy was developed by chief mental health officer Dr. Ashley Spetch in collaboration with a cross-organizational internal team and panel of external international experts.

This document enables us to better support psychological health and safety both for our own employees and for B.C.’s workers and employers. It’s an important step on a years-long journey to improve mental health and workplace psychological health and safety in B.C.

Our approach

The strategy outlines our overall approach, which employers will recognize as similar to the approach they already take to physical health and safety: understanding risks, implementing safety measures, communicating safety information, and monitoring measures for effectiveness. It also defines the terms we use and sets out the framework we will follow, including three key principles:

  1. Show leadership commitment.
  2. Develop supportive managers and supervisors.
  3. Ensure worker participation.

Our vision is that WorkSafeBC will be a leader in promoting psychologically safe and healthy workplaces and compassionate recovery. We identify five areas we will focus on over the next few years, describe intended outcomes, and detail a broad range of initiatives.

What’s next

We will consult with workers and employers as we progress, provide regular updates, and invite feedback as we work to develop resources and tools. We look forward to engaging with you.

For more information

The Mental Health Strategy is available to download and read at

This information originally appeared in the Winter 2023 issue of WorkSafe Magazine. To read more or to subscribe, visit WorkSafe Magazine.

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