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Investigation of Occupational Exposures to Forestry Workers from Environmental Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii

This project was aimed at studying trees in a managed forest near Victoria, B.C. for the presence of Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii, a yeast that is new to Canada and is the cause of an emerging infectious disease. The researchers examined the tasks performed by workers who were limbing, felling, or chipping trees, and collected information on their respiratory health outcomes over a five-year period

The organism is normally found in tropical and sub-tropical areas, but has been found in recent years in treed areas on some parts of Vancouver Island. Researchers examined the prevalence of the organism in trees, soil, and air and assessed the potential for occupational exposure related to performing woodland maintenance tasks

Principal Investigator: Karen Bartlett (UBC)
Co-investigators: Hugh Davies (UBC); Murray Fyfe (BCCDC)
Funding Awarded: $30,000

Competition Year: 2003 File type: PDF (807 KB) Asset type: Research Research: RS2002/03-DG12