POA Decision – 1999/07/19-01 – Policies to Implement Bill 14
Bill 14 — the Workers Compensation (Occupational Health and Safety) Amendment Act, 1998, generally came into force on October 1, 1999. The occupational health and safety provisions of the Workers Compensation Act have been replaced by a new Part 3 — Occupational Health and Safety. The Workplace Act has also been repealed. The major areas covered by the new Part 3 are: • Board mandate • General duties • Joint committees and worker representatives • Prohibition against discriminatory action • Enforcement and administrative penalties • Reviews and appeals The Panel of Administrators has approved policies to implement new Part 3. In doing so, the Panel has also approved a revised policy manual format that sets out more clearly each policy, the statutory authority for the policy and any Prevention Division practice flowing from the policy. The new policies are set out in a new Prevention Manual that incorporates the revised format. The policies will undergo a general review in two years after the WCB has gained experience in administering Part 3. Individual policies may be reviewed sooner as appropriate. The new policies came into effect on October 1, 1999.