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BOD Decision -2014/11/20-02 – Experience Rating Cost Inclusions and Exclusions

On November 20, 2014, the Board of Directors approved minor amendments to Item AP1-42-2, Experience Rating Cost Inclusions/Exclusions of the Assessment Manual.

As of February 1, 2015 policy direction will be removed from the Assessment Manual and instead will provide only a reference to policy item #115.30, Experience Rating Cost Exclusions, of the Rehabilitation Service & Claims Manual, Volume II (RS&CM).

Policy in the RS&CM contains a complete list of the types of claims costs excluded from experience rating, while policy in the Assessment Manual was incomplete. Replacing policy in the Assessment Manual with a cross reference to the RS&CM will ensure that all decision-makers work from a common list of excluded costs.


Publication Date: Unavailable File type: PDF (55 KB) Asset type: Assessment- and Finance-Related Decision