Energy absorbing cab guards for log trucks

The first phase of this study will evaluate the current cab guard design for log trucks, based on requirements set out in the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, Section 26.65. Next, an energy absorbing cab guard, able to absorb a sufficient portion of energy from the impact, will be designed and evaluated. The researchers note there have been six incidents in the province over the last three years in which the shifting of logs may have contributed to serious injuries or fatalities. This research offers the potential for creating new knowledge in an under-explored area.

The researchers will develop a mathematical model to predict how a part would behave under different conditions, simulating the cab guard, truck frame, bunks, and logs. The researchers anticipate the model will yield design options that can be built and tested. They plan to use an innovative honeycomb aluminum product as an absorbing cushion. The researchers aim to develop a cost-effective design for retrofitting existing cab guard structures, which could facilitate installation and use in existing truck fleets.

Principal Applicant: Ron Corbeil (Safety Advisory Foundation for Education and Research)
Funding Awarded: $42,474 (Innovation)

Competition Year: 2019 Asset type: Research