POA Decision – 2002/10/17-02 – Forestry Classification Units 2003 Base Assessment Rates
The Panel of Administrators approved the rate group structure and associated rates for forestry industry classifications. In order to ensure that assessment rates are not an economic factor in the forest industry, most forestry industry classification units are now assigned to rate group DR. Each classification within rate group DR is being transitioned into a common rate for the whole rate group, which is scheduled to be completed by the 2006 rate year. In addition, CU 703008 (formerly Integrated Logging) is renamed "Integrated Forest Management", and the parameters that define participation in this classification unit are redefined to cover firms responsible for a substantial range of forest harvesting activities. The Board will reclassify employers who no longer fall within the new description into other appropriate forestry classification units. The forestry rates and classifications were effective January 1, 2003.