POA Decision – 1999/04/13-03 – E-File, Manual Amendments

The Panel of Administrators approved changes to the Board's current policies dealing with the treatment of unsolicited information, the treatment of irrelevant sensitive information and the treatment of pejorative comments on the claim file. These policies assume the existence of a paper claim file and require amendment to accommodate an electronic claim file (E-File) as well. The new Board policy for the treatment of unsolicited information sets out only the principles for dealing with this type of information to ensure that the file contains accurate and relevant information. Board policy on the treatment of irrelevant (sensitive personal) information now states that irrelevant information will be destroyed rather than returned to the sender. Furthermore, where the irrelevant information is an original document, it will be returned to the sender if it is in the possession of the Board and upon request by the worker or sender. The Board will also take steps to educate senders on the need to send only relevant information. With respect to the treatment of pejorative comments on the claim file, the amended policy states that, in an electronic file environment, an annotation citing the comment as pejorative will be placed on the record. These amendments took effect June 15, 1999.

Meeting Date: Apr 13, 1999 File type: PDF (3 MB) Asset type: Policy & Regulation Decision