Warehouse Safety: Education & Evaluation (Video)

This project was focused on the production of a safety video designed for workers who have a developmental disability. Its purpose was to educate developmentally disabled adults currently employed or seeking employment. The video was also accompanied by a facilitator’s guide, including an interactive workshop component

The researchers developed a safety training program for individuals with developmental disabilities who work in entry level warehouse positions. Training tools include a 10 minute video, facilitator’s guide, employee handbook and pictorial participant quiz. Pilot testing found that participants enjoyed the course, gained new information and transferred their learning to the workplace

Principal Applicant: Kirsti Inglis (Developmental Disabilities Association)
Funding Awarded: $5,500* (Innovation)

In partnership with the Workers’ Compensation Board of Nova Scotia

Competition Year: 2007 File type: PDF (6 MB) Asset type: Research Research: RS2007-IG06