Implementation and Evaluation of a "Safety Culture" in Residential Care through Involvement of Front-line Workers

This research aimed to clearly define the elements of a positive work culture within a particular unit in a health authority – one which was previously identified as a “best performer” in relation to injury rates among its staff. The researchers also sought to determine ways in which these elements may be replicated in another work environment

The researchers set out to develop, deliver and evaluate workplace interventions to reduce MSIs in a residential care environment. An Innovation Team of five frontline staff members played a key role in designing and delivering the interventions, which were modeled on successful practices at another residential care unit known as a “best performer” in preventing MSIs. Injury rates as well as several measures of work and safety culture were assessed before and after the interventions

Principal Applicant: Waqar Mughal (Fraser Health)
Co-applicants: Kelly Duke, Leah Thomas-Olson, Deanna Harrison, Nermin Helal (Fraser Health)
Funding Awarded: $43,863* (Innovation)

*In partnership with the Workers' Compensation Boards of Manitoba and Saskatchewan

Competition Year: 2006 File type: PDF (2 MB) Asset type: Research Research: RS2006-IG10