Health and Work Productivity Web-Portal: Knowledge to Action for Disability Prevention and Management - A Pilot Study

This project focused on the evaluation of a Web portal designed to create and sustain academic and community participation in the identification, translation, and dissemination of research evidence to inform best practices for the prevention of injury and disability at work

One of the study’s main objectives was to assess whether the processes, features, and functionality of the Web portal can provide an efficient and collaborative environment to support disability prevention and management

Participating researchers and stakeholders carried out a synthesis of systematic reviews to identify risk and protective factors associated with work-related absences and disability duration

Principal Applicant: Marc White (UBC)
Co-Applicants: Janusz Kaczorowski, Izabela Schultz (UBC), Roderick Iverson, Shannon Wagner (UNBC)
Funding Awarded: $50,000 (Innovation)

Competition Year: 2010 File type: PDF (1 MB) Asset type: Research Research: RS2010-IG03