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The following charts and graphs provide a high-level view of statistics for small businesses from 2014 to 2018. You can use these resources to quickly see a comparison of injury rates and serious injuries, and to get information on the top injury types for small businesses.

Injury rate

The following charts illustrate how many claims and serious injury claims small businesses have for every 100 workers, and the change in this rate over the most recent five-year period. The ultimate target is to have an injury rate of zero.

Small business industry injury rate comparison by sector for 2014 to 2018. All B.C.: 2014=2.3; 2015=2.2; 2016=2.2; 2017=2.2; 2018=2.2. Small businesses: 2014=1.9; 2015=1.9; 2016=1.9; 2017=1.8; 2018=1.8 

Serious injury claims

Small business sector serious injury rate comparison by sector for 2014 to 2018. Small businesses: 2014=0.4; 2015=0.4; 2016=0.4; 2017=0.4; 2018=0.4. All B.C.: 2014=-0.3; 2015=0.3; 2016=0.3; 2017=0.3; 2018=0.3 

For more on serious injuries, see the Serious injuries: Data about workplace injuries in B.C.

Small business sector serious injury claims vs. time-loss claims for 2014 to 2018. Serious injury claims: 2014=2,259; 2015=2,412; 2016=2,415; 2017=2,507; 2018=2,480. Time-loss claims: 2014=10,979, 2015=11,205; 2016=11,140; 2017=11,244; 2018=11,561 

Claim characteristics

Incident type

The following charts illustrate the leading causes of injuries for small businesses over a five-year period. Incident types that represent a high percentage of claims for small businesses are potential focus areas for health and safety programs.

Small business industry claim count by incident type: overexertion=22%; struck by=19%; fall from elevation=14%; fall on same level=11%; struck against=8%; MVIs=4%; other bodily motion=4%; caught in=3%; repetitive motion=3%; involuntary motion=3%; other=9% 

Sources of injury

The following charts illustrate the leading sources of injury over a five-year period. Sources of injuries contributing to a high percentage of claims or claim costs paid by small businesses are potential focus areas for health and safety.

Small business industry claim count by source of injury: working surfaces=20%; bodily motion=10%; vehicles=9%; metal items=8%; boxes, containers=7%; hand tools=7%; machines=5%; miscellaneous=5%; buildings and structures=4%; logs, tree products=4%; others=21% 

More detailed data

The following applications can provide more detailed information:

Both of these applications allow you to focus your search by industry, subsector, classification unit, and employer size to see data most relevant to you. You can also incorporate charts, graphs, and data in your reports and presentations.