Critical incident response

A sudden and unexpected incident in the workplace, like witnessing the serious injury of a co-worker, responding to a fatal incident scene or being robbed at gunpoint, are examples of a critical incident. This kind of powerful event can impact the emotional well-being of workers and employers who are directly exposed to the incident. Our Critical Incident Response team is there to help. It offers free support from trained professionals.

What to watch for after a critical incident

A critical incident can lead to more accidents, sick time, disability claims, and staff turnover. Here are some warning signs to watch for, in yourself and in your co-workers:

  • Feeling jumpy, anxious, moody, or irritable
  • Having difficulty concentrating, making decisions, or thinking clearly
  • Having trouble going near the accident scene
  • Having trouble going to places that trigger memories of the incident
  • Having trouble being around people
  • Having difficulty being alone
  • Having sleep disturbances or nightmares

It can help to know that these are normal responses to stressful or abnormal events.

How our Critical Incident Response Program can help

We want to reduce any distress you and your co-workers experience after a critical incident. We also want to mitigate the development of further, more serious difficulties. Our Critical Incident Response Program gives people the support and education they need. A qualified mental health professional helps workers and employers process their experiences and responses.

The program is available for up to three weeks from the date of the critical incident.

You do not have to have a claim with us to use the service. It is free and voluntary. You can contact our Critical Incident Response team seven days a week.