Slips, trips & falls

Slips, trips, and falls put workers at risk of sprains, strains, bruises, concussions, and fractures. Falls often result from slipping or tripping.

The risks

Slips happen where there is not enough grip or traction between the footwear and the walking surface. This can be a result of water, oil, grease, or dust on the floor. Loose rugs or mats, floors with varying traction, and the wrong footwear can also cause slips.

Trips and falls can happen when people lose their balance after their feet collide with objects. Common tripping hazards in the workplace include:

  • Damaged or worn carpets, rugs, and mats
  • Uneven flooring
  • Cluttered walkways
  • Uncovered cables
  • Poor lighting
  • Obstructed views

See our resources for information about reducing the risk of slips, trips, and falls.