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Job search skills

When helping injured workers return to work, our Vocational Rehabilitation Services team may refer them for assistance to build job search skills. We enter into long-term contracts with providers of these services. As part of the contract, we require a specific report before making payment.

Job search skills services

Clients who are referred to you for job search skills services already know their occupational goal and job targets. You'll help them gain practical skills so they can search for jobs successfully on their own. You'll also help them highlight their education, qualifications, experience, and skills in professional resumes and cover letters.

Learn about becoming a VR provider.

Submitting reports

Job search skills service providers need to submit a report to us before being paid. To do that, please use our Vocational Rehabilitation Services Job Search Skills Final Report Template Form 65D39. You will need to refer to the contract you sign with us for specifics about what to include in the report and how to submit it.

Please note that we can't process your invoice until we've received your report.

We ask that you also submit a copy of the client's resume and cover letter, using Form ID 65D105. You can submit the report and the client's documents electronically, using our Provider Portal.

Learn about invoicing for contracted services.